Phoenix Entrepreneurs, Networking and Digital Influencing


About iNETrepreneur Network

About Page - Network Together Founder and Owner, Robert W. JonesThe iNETrepreneur Network, “Where Relationships create Community and Commerce follows.” was founded by Robert W. Jones in 2009 as Network Together. As a relationship development group in 2009 later becoming an LLC in 2016.

What began as a small local networking group in Queen Creek, Arizona has grown into one of the world’s largest independent, non-franchised global networks for entrepreneurs, business owners and influencers. This community offers businesses an integrative approach to promotion, blending personal, traditional, and digital methods – known as omnichannel marketing. We firmly believe that relationships build community, and business naturally follows.

Our platform enables entrepreneurs, business owners, and influencers to gain visibility, recognition, and credibility. This is achieved through various channels including public speaking, personal and business growth opportunities, events, seminars, and exposure in print, digital, and social media.

Members can broaden their influence, bolster communities worldwide, support youth, and connect with diverse business professionals.

As an open organization, we don’t restrict members to a single chapter. Instead, our structure allows them to attend any available chapter meetings throughout the year.

People join our community to build relationships, gain exposure, and network with like-minded, service-focused professionals from various industries.

Through relationship building, members collectively expand their reach far beyond their individual networks. Those who actively participate in chapter meetings, events, academy classes, sponsorships, and contribute to our publications and radio show are creating the impact needed to build credibility, boost exposure, and wield the influence required for ultimate success.

Network Together, LLC now known as iNETrepreneur Referrals, is a branch of the iNETrepreneur Network. Established in 2019, the iNETrepreneur Network includes NTEvents, the iNETrepreneur Academy, iNETrepreneur Radio, and the iNETrepreneur Magazine.

Top 30 Benefits
  • In-Person chapter meetings, events, academy classes
  • Virtual events, academy classes
  • Chapters are non-industry exclusive
  • Membership includes all active chapters
  • Guest opportunity on the iNETrepreneur Radio Show
  • Article contributor in the iNETrepreneur Magazine
  • Author opportunity in the latest community book
  • Media advertising
  • Over 1000 total networking opportunities in a 12-month calendar
  • Online Member Directory with Member Dashboard
  • Mobile APP for Android and iPhone
  • Over 20,000+ monthly page views to the community website
  • Average # of daily pages viewed on the website – 4
  • Media advertising on a Global TV
  • TV Show opportunity on Global TV Network
  • Sponsorship opportunities
  • Chapter Leadership Positions
  • Public speaking in chapters, on stages, and panels
  • Designated member presentations at chapter meetings
  • No required meeting attendance
  • Weekly At-A-Glance e-Newsletter
  • Become an academy class instructor
  • Member-to-Member specials and discounts
  • Professional Member headshots available
  • Non-member showcases
  • Affiliate and JV Partnership opportunities
  • Global Recognition

Member benefits listed are based on membership level. Memberships may be upgraded, Members can add specific benefits to their current membership.